Friday, December 9, 2022

Solo post


This blog will have a different voice than others.  This is Brian writing while in Pennsylvania for my mother’s funeral.   She had a short bout with breathing problems and died peacefully last Sunday.  I was lucky to be with her when she passed.

I came up, not knowing of course, how things would turn out, but planned on 9 days in town.  I found myself with time on my hands, so I spent a lot of time doing what she loved to do - driving in the country.  I know I won’t be coming back here very often, so I went to places she liked, and historic places.  Of course, I geocached a lot, but it isn’t as much fun alone.  

One of my jaunts was to visit my cousin that lives about 40 miles away.  We were just there in October with Mom.  She loved the fall leaves on the trip “over the mountain”.

I did see the Johnstown Flood Natl. Historic Site and Flight 93 Memorial again.  The Tower of Voices, has been silent the other times we’ve visited, but it was chiming this time.  I drove part of the Lincoln Highway that we shared with Mom last year.  They were all happy memories.

In the spirit of past blogs, I’ll include some pictures.  Most of them are from this trip.  You will know which ones aren’t.

Murals in downtown Johnstown

Christmas lights where Mom lived

Memorial for unknown dead in 1889 flood

Giant quarter on the Lincoln Highway

Lincoln Highway stop

A covered bridge

When Shirley met Araceli

The last picture of the whole family during Mom's last visit to Texas - May 2016

Our SURPRISE visit last year,  Araceli



When in Johnstown . . . Enjoying Gobs

Loretto , PA  -  sunken gardens at Saint Francis University
(once the summer estate of steel magnate Charles M. Schwab)

Taken October 2022 behind our house in PA